28 Jul Glendale Homes for Sale- Safety Around Pools
Living in Arizona, we are spoiled by having such beautiful, sunny weather almost all year round. With that, homes here in the Valley of the Sun tend to have pools. We Arizonans love our backyards and the recreation that comes with it. However we have to be ever mindful of the dangers owning a home with a pool can have.
The majority of homes in the Glendale Homes for Sale area do have pools, but do we check regularly to make sure that safety checks are in place for our pools? Here are some disturbing facts that you may not be aware of. A child is 10 times more likely to die at home with a pool than at a home with a gun. Must young kids drown because they have wandered outside and fell into the pool. Drowning is the number one accidental death for kids under age 5 (reference). These are just a few of the frightening statistics. There are things we can do to help prevent these scary facts.
If you have a gated pool, make sure it is secured and in the lock is in good working condition and cannot be reached or opened by a small child in Glendale Homes for Sale. Never prop the gate open, period! If it has a self-closing mechanism, make sure it actually closes. Have an adult poolside at all times when children are in the backyard. This person must be diligent to not get side tracked, no phone calls, texting, walking away for even a minute. Make sure someone knows CPR. Have safety equipment by the pool, no toys left in the pool. This is just eye candy for a kid, and they will reach in to try to grab a toy and before you know it they have fallen in. I know firsthand on that scenario, my nephew did this at my pool, luckily we were all sitting right there! If your child seems to be missing, check the pool area first and foremost, and really check it. Don’t just look out the window, walk outside and look in the pool.
Pools can be a great source of entertainment and family fun, but they also need to be taken seriously. We have rules in our house that the kids know is serious business. There is no substitute for a set of eyes on your pool in Glendale Homes for Sale. Even if your child has taken swim classes and you think they are good swimmers, you must still be vigilant in watching them in and around the water. All it takes is one moment for your child to slip under water or to panic for a second and go under.
There is nothing worse than hearing on the news about another drowning in Phoenix, so please watch your kids around water!
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