06 Jul Inman Connect Conference – June 2021
Hello, Friends!
I would like to share with everyone the good fortune I had to have been chosen to participate on a panel at the Inman Connect Conference this June!
Each year Inman sponsors a national conference where Industry experts from around the world come together to offer insights about the market, technology and the trends that are shaping the real estate market. Jeff Sibbach, my mentor and one of the most respected agents in the valley, was asked to speak about some of the recent changes handed down regarding advertising, and the MLS new rules and how they impact our ability to service our clients.
As one of the top agents on the Sibbach Team, I was honored to have been invited to participate in this panel!
Joe Rand, Inman contributor and author of How to be a Great Real Estate Agent, was our moderator. Sam DeBord, CEO of RESO, Real Estate Standards Organization was also one of the speakers.
It was truly an honor to have been asked to be a part of this panel and my success is largely due to your support through the years!
Thank you,