19 Aug 10 Reasons to Work with a Local Realtor
1-Local Realtors will know why some homes on the same street are worth more than others.
2-They can determine accurate prices on specific homes in the neighborhood.
3-They may know who previously owned homes in the neighborhood, and why they sold them.
4-They know which streets in a neighborhood are more desirable than others.
5-They know the listing agents in the area and can negotiate with them and get the inside information.
6-They can advise you on which agents take overpriced listings and which take listings at market value.
7-They can refer you to local home inspectors, and they know if there are any inspections that should be performed that are specific to the area.
8-They know about homeowners associations that may be in the neighborhood, and what their rules and regulations are.
9-They know what attributes a buyer in that neighborhood should be seeking.
10-They know what you need to know before you even have to ask!