10 Mar Tips for When it’s Time to Move
When it comes time to move you might be faced with more than a few decisions and actionable items to handle, all while adjusting to a new environment.
Whether you’re moving across town, across the country, or even to an international location, it’s important to have all of your ducks in a row. Below, Elise Fay Group goes over a few tips that will help make your big move less stressful.
Remember to Plan Ahead
Planning is your best bet to make it through your moving day with your sanity intact. First, make sure that your utilities are shut off at the place you are moving from and turned on at the place you are moving to. You don’t want to jump the gun and find out the hard way how much you need services like electricity, water, and even the internet. When you get all this set up ahead of time you will save yourself a tremendous amount of discomfort.
Plan ahead when it comes to getting help with moving your belongings as well. Rent any sort of van or truck ahead of time and make sure not to wait until the last minute. Rental companies are notoriously swamped toward the end of the month because, guess what, other people out there happen to be moving as well.
If you can plan your move during the week instead of the weekend you will beat the rush and have some breathing room when it comes to relocation. Taking a little bit of time off of work will make sure that your schedule isn’t slammed as well. Make this process as easy on yourself as humanly possible.
Do Your Research
Make sure to look into whichever moving services you plan to use. You don’t want to hire a company that has a bad track record when it comes to customer service. Take a look at review sites and consumer reports to double-check and make sure that your moving company isn’t going to damage your belongings.
While it’s important to save as many dollars as you can, make sure that you’re not skimping on the quality side – you will end up paying for any half-measures you end up taking.
Invest in Moving Materials
It might be tempting to fly by the seat of your pants when it comes to moving, but it’s a good idea to stock up on moving supplies that will make your experience less difficult. Make sure you have boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, a dolly, tie-downs, and markers to label your boxes.
Moving materials will help protect your items and help you organize your move. However, make sure that you only purchase what you need to stick to your budget.
Contact Elise Fay Group Today
If you’re planning your next move and looking to buy or sell your home, we can help. We’ve been the area’s top realtors since the mid-1990s. We live and work in the North Glendale area and possess unparalleled experience selling homes in Glendale, Peoria, N. Phoenix, Desert Ridge, Surprise, Buckeye, Goodyear, and our surrounding communities. Get in touch today if you’re looking to buy or sell a home with style.