19 May Spring Cleaning Dos and Don’ts!
As the Spring season approaches, you might be looking to make some improvements to your home. Spring cleaning is an infamous pastime that you might have lamented during your childhood having to sacrifice great weather days to spruce up the home. However, as an adult, Spring represents a season of renewal, which can be channeled into your seasonal cleaning and home improvement process.
Getting started on your Spring cleaning might have you perplexed and possibly overwhelmed. That’s okay. Read on for a few tips and a few practices to avoid in order to make it a productive Spring season.
Do: Get Rid of Clutter
Decluttering is a great way to free up more space at your home, which will make your living space less cramped. You can declutter by donating items you no longer need or use, or you could even have a garage sale in order to make a little extra cash.
If you can implement a rule, use the 90-day principle, which means if you haven’t used something in 90 days or more, it’s probably safe to get rid of it.
Don’t: Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
One common theme among homeowners is that many have lofty DIY projects that they set out for themselves during the Spring and Summer seasons. Instead, try to make smaller objectives instead of taking on grand-scale projects, especially if you’re a working professional.
One way to keep things manageable is to focus on a specific room or area of the house. Start with the kitchen and work your way into the bedrooms and maybe even the garage.
Planning larger projects takes more time and larger projects have a way of not getting done over the course of a weekend. You don’t want to set a project out for yourself that takes months to complete as part of your Spring cleaning strategy.
Do: Finish What You Start
Making a strategy will help you zero in on what needs to be done around the house, not to mention force you to land on your end goals once your Spring cleaning is done. Set out tasks for yourself to complete on your off days. Try not to plan projects that will take more than one or two days to complete. This way you can make sure that you don’t begin a new task/project until the task at hand is finished.
Don’t: Clean From Bottom to Top
Working smart instead of hard is of the essence when it comes to Spring cleaning. Clean from top to bottom, this way the last thing you end up cleaning are the floors after everything has been cleaned and dusted. This will make sure that you don’t backtrack or clean objects and areas of the floor more than once.
Ready to Sell? Contact Elise Fay Group Today!
If you’re planning on Spring cleaning as a way to prep yourself for selling your home, I’m here to help. Call The Fay Group at 602-329-7782 today to learn more about how I can help you get 5% more for your home. Happy Spring cleaning season!