03 Aug Glendale Homes For Sale- What To Do This Weekend

You are in the final stages of moving into your new home in the Glendale Homes for Sale area. You have seen the home many times during the buying process and may feel it is not necessary to see it one more time before closing....
If you happen to live in the northwest part of town in the Glendale Homes for Sale area, or even if you don’t, there is a great sports league called the CCV Stars. You may have heard of the CCV church and yes the sports teams are affiliated but you do not have to be a member of the church to have fun and participate on the teams.
The CCV Stars have teams for soccer, football, and basketball both recreational and competitive. STARs or Striving To Achieve Real Significance on the field and in your home, has teams for children ages 4-17.
West Wing School, located in the Westwing Mountain Homes for Sale community of Glendale Homes for Sale is home of the Mustangs. Opened in 2005, West Wing Schoolis a K-8 grade school and is headed by Principal Dr. Linda Price-Barry. With about 1,100 students enrolled at West Wing, students are constantly encouraged to be challenged in a safe and nurturing environment, to help “meet and surpass academic expectations”.
Programs offered at West Wing include gifted clustering programs, special education, before and after school program, and of course extra-curricular activities. Kids can take part in chorus, band, student council. Sports (for 7th and 8th grade students) like softball, volleyball, baseball, and basketball are available.