
Being from New York, more specifically Long Island I am very familiar with the Tanger Outlets.  But if you are from the Glendale Real Estate area of Arizona you may not know too much about it.  Well let me tell you....boy are we lucky!  These outlets aren’t your typical outlets.  These are higher end retail outlet malls, a great place to go and shop till your credit cards are begging for a rest! The Tanger Outlets are set to open at the Westgate City Center, which as you know has struggled some.  The opening of The Tanger Outlets should be a real boost to the businesses in this center.  Located at the Loop 101 and Glendale Avenue, just in the shadow of arena and The University of Phoenix Cardinals stadium, The Tangers Outlets will be a huge draw for Arizonans from all over the valley. 

Sandra Day O’Connor High School is the newest addition to the Deer Valley Unified School District. This $44.5 million dollar school, located in the Glendale Homes for Sale neighborhood is located off of Happy Valley Road and 35th Avenue.  It consists of grades 9-12. Built in 2002 and home of the Eagles, SDOHS was named for Sandra Day O’Connor who is a native Arizonan and was the first woman appointed as a Supreme Court Justice.  Headed by Principal Dr. Bryce Anderson, SDOHS strives “to foster and teach the attributes of integrity, self-discipline, perseverance, honesty, and respect for other people and the environment”. SDOHS is a school of the Academy of American Studies, which means in part that the program teaches student’s using in depth lessons of U.S. History by incorporating lectures, visits to historical locales and national sites.  It is a program designed to engage the students throughout their four year high school experience.

  Many of us living in the Valley of the Sun are transplants from other parts of the country.  If you have come from back east or the mid-west homes here are very different from these areas.  It is quite a culture shock to move from say the east coast to the southwest.  In the newer areas of town you will find that most homes are very similar in design and color, whereas in other parts of the country you can drive down a street and every house is quite different in style. 

  If you have ever driven along Bell Road near 55th Avenue, you may have noticed a funky looking place that looks like a diner from back east.  Well it’s not a diner, it is a great BBQ place called Thee Pitts Again. Situated in the Glendale Homes for Sale area, this unique, non-corporate chain restaurant is serving up award winning BBQ dishes.  Featured a few years ago on the food networks “Diner, Drive Ins and Dives” this family run restaurant is sure to cure those BBQ cravings!

  After searching for that perfect home in the Glendale Homes for Sale area, you have finally found the perfect fit for you and your family.  Everything looks great, but have you really done a thorough inspection?  Like most home buyers you probably aren’t an expert on air conditioning units or roofs.  This is why it is imperative that you call in an expert to uncover any potential problems that you cannot see. Having the home you are about to purchase go through an inspection is really very important.  It may bring up potentially very expensive problems before you sign on that dotted line.  If the seller is made aware of these problems they can be fixed prior to closing or a negotiating tool for you.  Here are some things that you may want to have a professional come and check.

You love your home in the Glendale Homes for Sale area but in this day and age, many homeowners have considered and dreamed about owning a second home whether it is for vacation getaways with the family, as an investment, or perhaps somewhere to live after retirement.  Whatever your motives there are some important things to consider before purchasing your second home.

If you live in the Glendale Homes for Sale area and are looking for something different to do this weekend you have some options.  On Saturday, August 4th in downtown Glendale you and your Pooch can check out the Dog Days of Summer.  This annual event is a way to enjoy a morning out with your four legged friends.  The historic downtown area will be hosting breakfast in the park from 7-9am with Woofles (dog friendly waffles) and breakfast burritos for the humans; small fee does apply for the food.  There will be activities at 9:00am over at Murphy Park Amphitheater where there will be various booths set up offering dog treats, pet massages, and accessories. You can even enter for a chance to win the pet look a-like contest.

  Have you ever heard the saying “you only get one chance to make a first impression”?  Well the same holds true for homes.  Living in the beautiful communities of Glendale Homes for Sale, we come to expect the homes here to have fantastic “curb appeal”.  But what is that exactly? When a prospective buyer drives up for the first time to see a home, the first thing they will see is the front yard, and front of the home.  If there are weeds growing or paint chipping the impression is this home was not taken care of on the outside, what am I going to see on the inside?  Even if the interior was maintained or even recently upgraded with the most current design trends, the first impression did not “impress”.

Living here in Arizona, in the Glendal Homes for Sale area, we have all become accustomed to having to pay for our high electric bill, especially in the summer months.  Our air conditioners are running constantly, along with all of our other appliances.  If you have a pool, add on that to your expense! If you have a home, here is some energy saving tips that you may have over looked.  Check with your electric company, they have plans to save money by using your appliances like dishwashers and washing machines during their “saving” time periods.  This can really help if you stick to running your loads of laundry or dirty dishes during these time slots.

Living in Arizona, we are spoiled by having such beautiful, sunny weather almost all year round.  With that, homes here in the Valley of the Sun tend to have pools.  We Arizonans love our backyards and the recreation that comes with it.  However we have to be ever mindful of the dangers owning a home with a pool can have. The majority of homes in the Glendale Homes for Sale area do have pools, but do we check regularly to make sure that safety checks are in place for our pools?  Here are some disturbing facts that you may not be aware of.  A child is 10 times more likely to die at home with a pool than at a home with a gun.  Must young kids drown because they have wandered outside and fell into the pool.  Drowning is the number one accidental death for kids under age 5 (reference).  These are just a few of the frightening statistics. There are things we can do to help prevent these scary facts.