
We all hear about the steps we should take when selling our home; however have you thought about things you should NOT do when trying to sell your home?  There are so many no no’s that seem simple enough but are often over looked. When your home is being shown to prospective buyers, don’t be there.  As much as you love your home and have taken pride in decorating it to your tastes the potential buyers may be uncomfortable discussing what they like or don’t like about the home. You may also say too much without meaning to, which may put off a potential buyer. 

So you say you’re new to the Valley of the Sun, well join the millions of transplants that already live here. Chances are you came from somewhere in the country with seasons, well we don’t really have seasons here so that is your first adjustment, but here are some big no no’s when it comes to living here. 1.  Don’t think that just because it is a dry heat that it’s not hot or you don’t need to drink fluids.  You must hydrate yourself, regularly!  Take a bottle of water out with you, stop and grab a soda, iced tea anything.  Just drink! 2.  So you go to step in the shower and didn't really look before getting in, and oops stepped on a scorpion. OUCH!  Well lesson learned, you moved to their territory and they have been here millions of years before you.  They are not going anywhere so, look before stepping!

Have you ever thought about going back to school or getting that degree that you started a long time ago?  Well if you live in the Glendale Homes for Sale area you probably have driven by Glendale Community College’s North Campus many times. The GCC North Campus, located on Happy Valley Road just east of 67th Avenue is a perfect location for those living in the Northwest valley and thinking about going back to school or finishing up a program.  This beautiful campus offers complete degree programs, a fitness center, library, cafeteria, student study space, and on site bookstore.

With the kids in school most of their day is accounted for, but what about those hours before dinner?  There are many options out there to keep your kids busy, whether you want them to be enrolled in a sports league or swim lessons or something academic related.  If you live in the Glendale Homes for Sale area you have lots to choose from. Of course the schools in the area all have after care programs where the kids can do their homework and get extra help with their studies.  They also offer games, crafts, and sports.  There are other options for you that may be more interesting to you and your child, here is a sampling.

Living on the West side of town in the Glendale Homes for Sale area we tend to forget about the family owned businesses and gravitate toward the big box restaurants and stores.  However if you step outside of your comfort zone once in a while you may find a great little spot that is unique and offers up some good home style comfort food. In the downtown Glendale area you can find such a spot, Haus Murphy’s.  This family owned German restaurant is in the heart of Glendale, located a midst the antique stores that line the street. This quaint little spot is serving up authentic German fare that will make you feel like you are eating your grandma’s cooking.  Haus Murphy’s was featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and their specialty is the Sauerbraten.  This sweet and sour beef dish is a traditional German meal served with Spatzle and red cabbage.  It is delicious, and with it being such a labor intensive meal why not let Haus Murphy‘s do all the hard work and you can sit back and enjoy.  They also offer up the usual German brats, (sausage) many different varieties to select from as well as the ever popular Schnitzels.  Schnitzels are meat, it can be veal, steak, pork, chicken that is thin and tenderized then breaded and sautéed till golden and crispy and then covered with a  sauce.

Many of us living in the Valley of the Sun are transplants from other parts of the country.  I don’t know about you but trying to grow a lush green garden out here has been let’s just say difficult.  Being from back East I am not used to the different plants and trees that will flourish out here.  Let’s face it we all weren't born with a green thumb and we want our Glendale Homes for Sale home to look beautiful, so here are some tips for living in the Sonoran Desert.

There are so many fabulous reasons to live in the Glendale Homes for Sale area.  To try to narrow it down to just 10 may be a challenge but I will do my best. 1. Every year Glendale holds the annual Chocolate Affaire in downtown Glendale.  This chocolate lovers dream takes place in February and you can delight from various food booths that boast everything chocolate.  From cheesecake to chocolate pizza and everything in between.  Who wouldn’t love this! 2.  We are home for the Arizona Cardinals and the University of Phoenix Stadium.  Not to mention we are the host city for the 2015 Superbowl.....enough said!

The kiddos have gone back to school! Let’s try to hold in your excitement parents! With heading back to class in the Glendale Homes for Sale area, kids may feel a little overwhelmed and getting organized may help with the stress of school.  Here are some tips that can make the transition a bit easier on everyone. Allow for plenty of time in the morning.  Feeling rushed puts stress on everyone, even kids.  If you plan to give yourself enough time to do all of your morning routines you will have a much more pleasant experience.  Making lunch the night before, laying out clothes, packing your school bag, and putting everything you’ll need to take with you by the door will ensure that you aren’t scrambling around for things at the last minute.

We all have extremely busy lives between work, shuttling the kids around for activities, and our daily errands we sometimes forget how important it is to reconnect with the ones we love.  Living in the Glendale Homes for Sale area there are so many great options for a great date night out with our loved ones. If you have never been to The Melting Pot you really should experience it at least once.  It is a great intimate restaurant where you can spend a nice leisurely dinner without feeling like you have to eat and get out.  Located at 59th Avenue and the Loop 101, this romantic restaurant is a great place to spend time with your significant other and actually have a conversation, sip some wine, and dip into some great fondue.

We all like to head out of town to relax and enjoy ourselves.  The last thing you want to do while away is stress about the security of your home and everything you love that is inside of it.  Living in the safest areas like Glendale Homes for Sale will provide some sense of security but let’s be realistic, crime can happen anywhere!  Here are some tips to keeping your home safe. 1.  Hire a house or pet sitter.  Having someone come in your home on a regular basis while you are away is a great way to deter crime.  They will pick up newspapers in the driveway or packages left on your door step, turn on lights or off, bring in the garbage cans and if you have a pet take care of them too.  It leaves the illusion that you are home or at the very least someone is coming in and out at varying times.  This option can be a little costly but may be well worth it.